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Can it be
you that
I hear ?
Invictuspoem by William Ernest Henley
The light of other dayspoem by Thomas Moore
Ô Captain! my Captain!poem by Walt Whitman
Recorded and mixed at
J-Ph Collard-Neven
studio, Brussels, 2020-2022
Beyond the last lamppoem by Thomas Hardy
Jenny kiss'd mepoem by Leigh Hunt
Kris Belligh :
all voices
Claude Evence Janssens :
bass clarinet
alto clarinet
Jean-Philippe Collard-Neven
Amôn string quartet :
Aymeric de Villoutreys
Julien Poli
Éva Pusker
Anne-Gabrielle Lia-Aragnouet
Adrien Tyberghein :
double bass
The voicepoem by Thomas Hardy
Madam Life's a piece in bloompoem by W.E.Henley
Twicepoem by Christina Rossetti
Three men of Gothampoem by Thomas L. Peacock
Songpoem by Christina Rossetti
In time of the breaking of nationspoem by T. Hardy

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